UCX Program

The Unemployment Compensation Program for Ex-Service member (UCX)

The UCX Program provides unemployment compensation benefits to Service Members transitioning to the civilian labor market who meet the following eligibility criteria:

·      Active duty or Active Reserve Status during the claim base period.

·      Honorably discharged.

·      Completed the first full term of service (Reservist must complete 180 days of continuous active duty).

·      Meet state eligibility requirements.

To apply, you must bring your DD Form 214, social security card, and your military and/or civilian job history/resume to your state employment office.

UCX Fact Sheet:  https://oui.doleta.gov/unemploy/docs/factsheet/UCX_FactSheet.pdf

State Criteria: https://www.careeronestop.org/LocalHelp/UnemploymentBenefits/unemployment-benefits.aspx?lang=en&frd=true


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