Why Should I Trust This Guide
During my retirement preparations I looked all over for a guide and found nothing that met my expectations. As a result I decided to collect information and build my own resource. After sharing it with some friends, I realized there was a need for a resource like this and decided to share it.
I try to be very clear in this guide and provide facts supplemented with my clearly labeled opinions and experiences. Everyone’s circumstances are different and your decisions in some areas depend on your particular situation. I don’t have all the answers, but I do attempt to provide you with facts and references to inform your decisions.
This guide is a free resource; however, I have included a donation button on the homepage. Donations will be used to help pay for the webpage and domain name. Additionally, if there is a continued demand signal I will continue to update this guide and expand it (e.g., develop a state supplement like the one I have provided for RI residents).